Here you will find the user manual for SENS motion for Healthcare. SENS motion for Healthcare is used for the mobilisation of patients/citizens.
It is recommended to read the user manual before using SENS motion.
About SENS Motion for Healthcare
When a patient is admitted, the patient will have a sensor fitted to their thigh that will measure the patients physical activity.
Patients will be provided with a tablet in the room where the motivation app is installed. The app will motivate patients to better self-mobilize by giving them a guided virtual tour of Copenhagen. On the app, patients can follow their own activity overview, see how far in the tour they have come, the number of steps and how much active time they have had, both that day and in the last week.
Staff will have access to an overview screen, where they can easily get an overview of patients' physical activity, including when patients were last mobilized. This will allow staff to prioritise which patients are most important to help with mobilization.
Contents of the user manual
The user manual for Healthcare provides information about:
- What is SENS Motion?
- What does SENS Motion system consist of?
- How to get started
- Sensor and patch
- Using the motivational SENS motion app
- Overview screen
- Using the online visualization-tool
- FAG - user's questions
- General
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