Herunder ses en liste af artikler, hvor SENS motion® enten er blevet valideret, eller hvor SENS motion® indgår som leverandør i et forskningsprojekt til måling af fysisk aktivitet.
[1] Validation study
Validation of an accelerometer system for measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior in healthy children and adolescents
Milther, C.; Winther, L.; Stahlhut, M.; Curtis, D. J.; Aadahl, M.; Kristensen, M. T.; Sørensen, J. L.; Dall, C. H.;
European Journal of Pediatrics (2023) 182:3639–3647
[2] Validation study
Criterion Validity of Linear Accelerations Measured with Low-Sampling-Frequency Accelerometers during Overground Walking in Elderly Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Ghaffari, A.; Rahbek, O.; Lauritsen, R.E.K.; Kappel, A.; Kold, S.; Rasmussen, J.
Sensors 2022, 22, 5289.
[3] Validation study
Validation of Two Activity Monitors in Slow and Fast Walking Hospitalized Patients
Britt Stævnsbo Pedersen, Morten Tange Kristensen, Christian Ohrhammer Josefsen, Kasper Lundberg Lykkegaard, Line Rokkedal Jønsson, Mette Merete Pedersen
Rehabilitation Research and Practice, vol. 2022, Article ID 9230081, 14 pages, 2022.
[4] TAPAS, Bispebjerg Hospital
Evaluation of a technology assisted physical activity intervention among hospitalised patients: A randomised study
Christian Have Dall, Helle Andersen, Tina Myung Povlsen, Marius Henriksen
Eur J Intern Med. 2019 Nov;69:50-56. Epub 2019 Sep 4.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejim.2019.08.019
[5] Children
Outdoor Kindergartens: A Structural Way to Improve Early Physical Activity Behaviour?
Jeanett Friis Rohde, Sofus Christian Larsen, Mathilde Sederberg, Anne Bahrenscheer, Ann-Kristine Nielsen, Berit Lilienthal Heitmann and Ina Olmer Specht
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20(6), 5131;
[6] Tryg ved din Ryg, Rigshospitalet Glostrup
Study Protocol: The effect of graded activity and pain education (GAPE): an early post-surgical rehabilitation programme after lumbar spinal fusion—study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Heidi Tegner, Bente Appel Esbensen, Marius Henriksen, Rachid Bech-Azeddine, Louise Nielsen and Nanna Rolving.
BMC (2020) 21:791
[7] Cooperation Bispebjerg Hospital
Association Between Weight Loss and Spontaneous Changes in Physical Inactivity in Overweight/Obese Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: An Eight-Week Prospective Cohort Study
Cecilie Bartholdy, R Christensen, Lars Erik Kristensen, H Gudbergsen, Henning Bliddal, Anders Overgaard, Marianne U Rasmussen, Marius Henriksen
Arthritis Care & Research
[8] Cooperation Bispebjerg Hospital
Changes in physical inactivity during supervised educational and exercise therapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A prospective cohort study
Cecilie Bartholdy, Søren T. Skou, Henning Bliddal, Marius Henriksen
Published: November 13, 2020
[9] Cooperation Bispebjerg Hospital
Physical inactivity and current treatments of knee osteoarthritis
PhD Thesis, Cecilie Bartholdy; Principal Supervisor: Marius Henriksen
This thesis has been submitted to the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 31 January 2019
[10] Cooperation Bispebjerg Hospital
Effectiveness of text messages for decreasing inactive behaviour in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot randomized controlled study
Cecilie Bartholdy, Henning Bliddal and Marius Henriksen
Bartholdy et al. Pilot and Feasibility Studies (2019) 5:112
[11] Cooperation Bispebjerg Hospital
Reliability and Construct Validity of the SENS Motion Activity Measurement System as a Tool to Detect Sedentary Behaviour in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Cecilie Bartholdy, Henrik Gudbergsen, Henning Bliddal, Morten Kjærgaard, Kasper Lundberg Lykkegaard and Marius Henriksen
Hindawi Arthritis Volume 2018, Article ID 6596278, 9 pages
[12] MyoPAD, Cooperation Manchester University and Manchester University Hospital
A review of accelerometer-derived physical activity in the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
Alexander Oldroyd, Max A. Little, William Dixon and Hector Chinoy
Oldroyd et al. BMC Rheumatology (2019) 3:41
[13] MyoPAD, Manchester University and Manchester University Hospital
Patient insights on living with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy and the limitations of disease activity measurement methods a qualitative study
Alexander Oldroyd, William Dixon, Hector Chinoy and Kelly Howells
Oldroyd et al. BMC Rheumatology (2020) 4:47
[14] Cooperation Nordsjællands Hospital - Hillerød
Adherence to recommended physical activity restrictions due to threatened preterm delivery – a descriptive multi-center study.
Bendix, J.M., Backhausen, M.G., Hegaard, H.K. et al.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 23, 59 (2023)
[15] Cooperation Aalborg University Hospital
Accelerations Recorded by Simple Inertial Measurement Units with Low Sampling Frequency Can Differentiate between Individuals with and without Knee Osteoarthritis: Implications for Remote Health Care.
Ghaffari A, Rasmussen J, Kold S, Lauritsen REK, Kappel A, Rahbek O.
Sensors. 2023; 23(5):2734.
[16] Aalborg University Hospital
Exploring the Feasibility and Usability of Smartphones for Monitoring Physical Activity in Orthopedic Patients: Prospective Observational Study
Arash Ghaffari; Rikke Emilie Kildahl Lauritsen; Michael Christensen; Trine Rolighed Thomse; Harshit Mahapatra; Robert Heck; Søren Kold; Ole Rahbek
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e44442
doi: 10.2196/44442
[17] Bispebjerg Hospital and Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre
Very low levels of physical activity among a broad group of patients hospitalized following hip fracture: A prospective cohort study (the HIP-ME-UP cohort study)
Maria Swennergren Hansen, Morten Tange Kristensen, Camilla Kampp Zilmer, Anja Løve Berger, Jeanette Wassar Kirk, Kira Marie Skibdal, Thomas Kallemose, Thomas Bandholm, Mette Merete Pedersen, The HIP-ME-UP Collaborative Group
[18] Syddansk Universitet og Statens Institut for Folkesundhed
Fysisk aktivitet, stillesiddende adfærd og søvn. Resultater fra monitorering med accelerometre i Danskernes sundhed 2023.
Martin Eghøj, Sofie Rossen Møller, Rasmus Kildedal, Mette Rasmussen, Mikkel Brandt Petersen, Nidhi Gupta, Ola Ekholm, Anne Illemann Christesen, Christina Bjørk Petersen
ISBN: 978-87-7899-649-7
[19] Det Nationale Center for Forskningsmiljø
A Novel System for the Device-Based Measurement of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep (Motus): Usability Evaluation
Patrick Crowley, Rasmus Kildedal, Simon Overvad Vindelev, Sandra Schade Jacobsen, Jon Roslyng Larsen, Peter J Johansson, Mette Aadahl, Leon Straker, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Andreas Holtermann, Paul Jarle Mork, Nidhi Gupta
JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e48209
DOI: 10.2196/48209
[20] Det Nationale Center for Forskningsmiljø
The Surveillance of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep: Protocol for the Development and Feasibility Evaluation of a Novel Measurement System
Patrick Crowley, Erika Ikeda, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam, Rasmus Kildedal, Sandra Schade Jacobsen, Jon Roslyng Larsen, Peter J Johansson, Pasan Hettiarachchi, Mette Aadahl, Paul Jarle Mork, Leon Straker, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Andreas Holtermann, Nidhi Gupta
JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(6):e35697
DOI: 10.2196/35697
[21] Det Nationale Center for Forskningsmiljø
Nidhi Gupta, Andreas Holtermann
Præsentation ved 4th ProPASS conference 2022
[22] VIA11 - The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study
Inflammatory markers, somatic complaints, use of medication and health care in 11-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder compared with population-based controls. The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study - via 11
Anne Søndergaard, Maja Gregersen, Martin Wilms, Julie Marie Brandt, Carsten Hjorthøj, Jessica Ohland, Sinnika Birkehøj Rohd, Nicoline Hemager, Anna Krogh Andreassen, Christina Bruun Knudsen, Lotte Veddum, Mette Falkenberg Krantz, Aja Greve, Vibeke Bliksted, Ole Mors, Kasper Lykkegaard, Peter Krustrup, Anne E. Thorup, Merete Nordentoft
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, June, 1–11
DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2024.2369145.
[23] Thigh-worn accelerometry
Thigh-worn accelerometry: a comparative study of two no-code classification methods for identifying physical activity types
Claas Lendt, Theresa Braun, Bianca Biallas, Ingo Froböse & Peter J. Johansson
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17 July 2024
[24] KneeActivity: The patient's perspective
The patient's perspective on rehabilitation with wireless accelerometers, activity tracking and motivational feedback following knee replacement: A qualitative study prior to a randomised controlled trial (KneeActivity)
Cecilie D Skov, Anders Holsgaard-Larsen, Uffe Kock Wiil, Martin Lindberg-Larsen, Claus Varnum, Charlotte M Jensen
Int J Med Inform. 2024 Dec:192:105624.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105624
[25] KneeActivity: Impact of motivational feedback
Impact of motivational feedback on levels of physical activity and quality of life by activity monitoring following knee arthroplasty surgery-protocol for a randomized controlled trial nested in a prospective cohort (Knee-Activity)
Cecilie Dollerup Skov, Martin Lindberg-Larsen, Uffe Kock Wiil, Claus Varnum, Hagen Schmal, Charlotte Myhre Jensen, Anders Holsgaard-Larsen
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2024 Oct 2;25(1):778.
DOI: 10.1186/s12891-024-07878-0
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